Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Was I just bit by a venomous snake? Please help.?

So I was outside cleaning up some old lumber and I found what I thought was a small rat snake- which usually aren't very aggressive. I picked it up to take it away from the house and right before I let it go it gave me a casual bite on my left index finger. I sat it down on the ground and it slithered away. I looked at my hand and i had four tiny bite marks -top and bottom teeth I guess- on my finger. Its about an hour later and its tingling a little but no swelling or discoloration. But I am very worried if it was a copperhead- I live in Maryland and we do have them in the area. From what I remember of the snake it had the banding but did not have the triangular head- it was a very streamlined head. I couldn't see the shape of the pupils because the snake had cataracts. I dont want to go to the hospital for no reason. If anyone has advise about the symptoms of a venomous bite- other than don't pick up snakes- I would really appreciate it.

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