Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do guys ever completely forget their ex?

The possession comment is just plain ignorant and immature and I would not listen to a guy who says that. Ex's are in the past. I think most guys prefer to forget their ex's unless the ex broke up with them. I completely disregard my ex's as to me they don't exist. Sure there are memories but the meaning of them is pretty much gone. It was just a part of one's life in the past, no more than that. But one cannot completely erase memories, but with time they come less and less to mind. The only time they might come to mind is if there is something about the present companion who reminds one of an ex. Sometimes there can be surprising similarities, but that doesn't make one want to fondly remember the ex. Also, one can learn from every relationship for better or worse so for that reason forgetting completely is not really practical. Of course if an ex remains a friend then there will be more memories retained.

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