Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ok I am seriously worried Please help with BALL PYTHON MOUTH PROBLEM!!!!!!! please need Alot of advice!!!!?

so any help from experienced people how know or have actually been around or had this sort of issue...=( im soo freaked out need help. so my snake got a stomach burn from getting under carpet onto glass and heat pad...this was last yr ..took him to vet now is healed just has trouble shedding. so this time he shed terrible...pieces were left over and his body is making him go through another shed and it hasnt even been a month i think... but i saw him laying with his jaw awkward and dislocated! so i picked him up and messed with it and he straitened it out...then today his lower teeth/gum row was overlapped on his top! so i though mouth rot! his cage is soo clean but i just fed him 2 live mice less than a week ago maybe he got hurt. so i youtubed and found what to look for so i opened his mouth up and no purple, discoloration, mucus, bubbles, ....but his mouth is White! PALE which is also a it mouth rot in the EARLY stages...what could have caused it not MR and just pale from stress and shedding? does the mouth go pale like the eyes turn blue and skin turns milky??? any help would be great! thanks

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