Saturday, July 23, 2011

Jennings Compound Bow?

I just received a Jennings 25th Anniversary Compound Bow, I dont really know what type its suppose to be or whatever, but all I can see is the emblem on the side saying 25th anniversary. Im trying to find out what its worth, the only other thing on the side is a sticker that says "Shooting Star" any help would be greatly appreciated!

Lump inside my groin?

There has been a small pea sized lump, maybe a little bigger around the side of groin. It's been there for about a week. it's just under the skin and I can actually grab hold of it / pinch it so it's not attached to anything. No discoloration and no pain unless i grab onto it through my skin. Once i let go, the pain is very sharp and hurts for about 20 seconds. Im 15, so i dont go to a gyno or anything. Not sexually active. Should i go see a doctor or tell my parent? Could this be something serious? Please help.

Am I going through a growth spurt?

Yes, you are going through a growth spurt. Everybody does during adolescence, and the amount you grow and the rate at which you grow has little to do with what you eat. Most girls get as tall as they're going to get by the time they get to be 18 years old, give or take a year or two. Now, the fact that you're feeling sick also has little to do with your growth spurt. Perhaps it's your first period developing, or perhaps you've got indigestion from eating too many different kinds of food at once, or perhaps some of the food you ate had food poisoning. At all events, see your doctor right away. If your bloat, warmth, and heart rate are due to nothing more than your menstrual cycle developing, it's better to be sure than sorry later.

Since the U.S. believes "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" and we're so good-hygiene...?

Wanting to enstall a bidet in my home I did my due diligence and was shocked. For being essentially a low sink the cost was prohibitive and I remain bidet-less. Sales staff said the high price was due to bidets being a low volume item. Still not an answer to your question; if we all

Is the universe expanding because God stretched it out in the beginning?

Your God and our Big Bang and basically the same thing, in either case i'd say the universe is expanding and will continue to do so.

Discoloration on cats stomach after having kittens?

You really should take the cat to the vet. Maybe you can call around and find one who will be understanding of your situation or point you in the direction of getting help at a reduced cost. Your other option is to call local animal rescue organizations and see if they can connect you with a vet or organization that will help you out.

How to increase apartment community traffic with limited resources?

I'm a leasing consultant at an apartment community and need ideas to increase traffic and sales. We aren't allowed to offer concessions and have about 20 vacancies to fill due to rents being raised too high. The no brainer answer is to maintain resident retention by negotiating increases and offering incentives and specials but we aren't allowed to...and everyones frowning on us like we don't understand our properties value and that we should never suggest our property be priced as mediocre because its not. Basically we are expected to make miracles happen and are being accused of not closing deals and needing to work on closing skills.... HELP!

Whats wrong with my tooth?!?

So my tooth has become incredibly sensitive lately it has a filling but it was done months and months ago there's no discoloration or cavities but when ever i eat anything crunchy or sweet on that side i get a sharp pain in my tooth when i brush its painful too? but when i put pressure on it or push on it with my nail it doesn't hurt at all????

Why am I not seeing results?

I am trying to lose some weight and I don't seem to be seeing many results. I'm not trying to lose a lot, just a but of fat that I gained in my first year of college. I feel like I've been doing most things right to lose this weight but there are some things I know I haven't been good about. I have made my diet healthier within the past several months. I'm a vegetarian already but I've increased the amour of vegetables I eat and decreased the amount of junk food. Also just recently I started drinking protein shakes. I do some cardio everyday. I try to swim for 20 minutes and an hour walk/jog everyday that I can and go to the gym a few days a week for cardio and strength training. The cardio I do is probably not as intense as it should be because I have low endurance, and always have. How can I make my cardio exercise more effective. Also the main mistakes that I'm making are in terms of eating. Ice cream is my weakness. I have cut back but I still sometimes find myself eating two bows. Also I often get big cravings at night and I feel nauseus if I don't eat, so I eat. Is this the main cause of the lack of results? What should I do differently?

Is liz earle any good pls help?

I have skin discoloration and i'm black british. Would liz earle line make my skin look clearer and smother

What does bow chicka wow wow mean?

On Facebook my bf put that as a comment on a girls status. She said "Haha..I don't know how to respond to that." Uhm I heard it means your hot, I want to screw you, etc I'm not sure if he knew that though because he isn't a flirt at all, has never called another girl hot except me, and this girl has a boyfriend and my boyfriend and I are pretty close. This is sort of an awkward situation. Is that really what it means? Should I talk to him about this?

Fingernail help ASAP?!?

the yellowing of your nails is due to the polish, unless you use basecoat, that will happen. I would be a bit concerned about the dark purple-blue color of your nail beds, that can be from bad circulation or low oxygen levels, I'd ask a doctor about that.

How to get rid of skin discoloration. ?

I have psoriasis, and I've been using a new medicine that wors very well! However, the skin where the psoriasis was is now discolored. I'm african american, and italian, so I'm slightly dark & need the skin where the psoriasis was to become darker. Please help me! Oh & mind you, I'm only 14, so no laser stuff & nothing harmful! Thankyou(:

Is there anything wrong with this cut/rash/wound?

I think you see a doctor right away before it gets any worse. I know because my friend right now has been in the hospital for 3 days already because she fell and it got infected. For a while she didnt do anything, just clean the cut and put band aids, but after the whole leg was like rashy and bumpy and it spreaded to her entire body.

How to flirt with a shy girl who likes you?

This sounds like a no brainer especially because until now I've had no problems with flirting with her before. Before she was just a joking friend who I liked but I thought I could get no where with because she is Asian and cares too much about school (not a stereotype, her mom is a tiger mom and strict about dating Asians.) But like a week ago I realized she likes me, in fact she probably has liked me for like a year now. Now I have no idea how to approach her and start a conversation. Is just afraid off looking stupid or dragging out awkward silences. An ideas how to flirt with a shy Asian girl who already likes me.

I have hereditary dark circles under my sunken eyes at 17. Would losing weight make them go away?

My mother has sunken eyes with bags under them. I have developed them too. I am only 17 and none of my friends have this problem. I have lost a lot of confidence due to them. I have plenty of sleep and have a healthy diet, however i am slightly overweight. Makeup will not hide them as it's not just a discoloration, there is a noticeable dip and thinning of my skin under my eyes. I think it makes me look very old. Would losing weight from my face/cheeks make these dark circles go away? or is surgery the only thing that will work?

What is a good name for a baby business?

I am starting a business selling/making hair bows, tutu's, petti rompers, shirts, skirts etc...I want the name to be a cute but prof name that will attract customers. Does anyone have any ideas? I have had a few but they are already taken :(

Eyebrow piercing help!!!! ASAP ?

So it's been almost a mOnth since I got it and I got this ocean salt stuff from the piercing shop. Ok I never over cleaned it or under cleaned it... But I took the circle ring out and put in a bar ring. Now I took it out to wash my face today and clean the care and my eyebrow looks swollen and when I touch it the swollen part is hard... It don't hurt and there's no discoloration, no point to where I would think there is an infection. What I'm asking is... Will it go away or will forever will my eyebrow be swollen looking if I take the ring out for good! What do i do :(

Bump on my leg and i dont know what it is.?

i have a bump on my right leg facing out (my mother says there is two but i dont see the second one) it hurt when i press on it and there is no discoloration on it at all. its basically just a small bump. i think is because i sit in a weird position where i have to lean my leg against something to get comfortable but i dont know what it is for sure. my friend also has a theory that it could be my weight so here is my weight and height: 310 pounds and just around 5'9' (maybe)

Friday, July 22, 2011

How to removes skin discoloration left from tape?

dont put any tape on anymore, but it should go away within a week. if theres any glue left on your skin, you can get it off with olive oil.

Would Cancers get freaked out if...?

If I say straight to his face(seriously, and in a place where we're alone) how much i appreciate him and how he's like a big brother to me, or would they freak out like get shy around me? :3 Btw, he has Leo Venus and I thibk Aries Mars or was it Leo? Anyways, what woukd they do? I know its a no brainer question.. :3

My dog has a weird brown spot on her side. what could it be?

My dog has a brown spot on her side. Her fur is white on top of the brown spot on her skin. It is approximately 2-3 inches in diameter. We shaved her fur to look at it better and it just looks like a discoloration or possibly a bruise. When we got her the old owners said she had gotten nipped by another puppy but we've had her for a little over 3 weeks now and it hasn't gone away. She is nearly 5 months old. She does have brown on her ears but the rest of her is white. Is this just a new spot of color on her or is there something wrong?

Would you allow your teens to have sex!?!?! What has happened to MORALS?!?!?

Dear God I almost exploded when I read this article! When I grew up it was a no brainer you waited until you were married for sex, when I raised my kids, it wasn't a matter of "if you choose to wait" it was "you WILL wait"! What has happened with kids these days? I know that our morals had dropped over the years, but 2/3rds of teens have intercourse by high school graduation now? That is sickening to think of all the kids who want to wait, and when they do get married their spouses will have slept with many, many other people. What the hell happened to morals?! And it's not an option of "Well, even if I tell them no they will still do it..." It's a matter of "If I tell them it WILL NOT happen, it won't!"

Strange freckle-like discoloration on my body?

ive had this issue for years now. its especially present in my back as well as arms and legs. (nothing o face or chest). they basically just look like dark freckles. many members of my family seem to have this problem. ive tried many lotions and creams but nothing helps. any ideas??

Getting tipped out, do you think im getting ripped off?

To me this is a no brainer, but Im going to ask opinions anyway. I work at Tilted Kilt and my job is to buss tables after the customers leave, but Im such a hard worker I always end up prebussing these girls tables everyday to the point of working like a robot with perfect timing for each server not having to even bring back there plates to the dish area. I make 8.75 a hour with no tip share. If im prebussing everything I think I should get tips, what do you think???

I had a bruise and now the discoloration is gone but still hurts and itches, whats wrong with it?

I have something similar and asked my doctor. They told me with how hard it was hit the bruise is so deep it can take a very long time to heal and could have injured a nerve. My injury was before Thanksgiving November 2010, still today I have pain occasionally but does seem to VERY SLOWLY be getting less frequent and less painful. Hang in there. If it gets worse, that is when you should have it checked.

2009 Vue w/ FWD vs. 2008 Vue w/ AWD?

Before buying the car you should also compare insurance prices for these cars to estimate how much you will really pay for it -

Tell me what you think?

if this girl dumped u, get over it cuz she just said her feelings & u r not gonna change her mind. however u r free to send that letter to her

Are some photographers that work at camera stores arrogant, elitists, or condescending?

You will find this type in all walks of life. When the Walkman first came out my husband wanted one and asked a few questions about them in an electronics store in the Port of Authority in NYC. The salesman was short with him and refused to answer his questions. The next day my husband returned and said," Do you remember me, I tried to ask you about the Walkman yesterday?" When the salesman acknowledged him, my husband took his new Walkman from his pocket and said, "You were so rude I bought it somewhere else."

Lump behind my tonsil for <6 monthes, see description for details?

U HAVE A PUSS BUBBLE! I had one too...but here come the bad part....the dentist will have to 1.take out the nearest tooth..2.take ur tonsouls out.... but don't push the buble inless u want more....but the cause was, once eating a chip, or drinkin soda etc. It got stuck in ur gum, and it swelled with next time something gets in ur gum that u feel, brush imediatly!

How to a hang or attach a bow and arrow quiver on my pants or hang on my back?

i bought a composite bow which came with a quiver.the quiver is fake leather. on the quiver is a loop like a C but the open part of the C is attached to the quiver so the hole is sealed so basically its an O. how do I hang the quiver on my back or attach to my pants

Do you want this idea?

I have had this idea for the past 15 years and no one wants to take advantage of it. Imagine standing outside the movie theater undecided as to which movie to see. You look at the movie posters but can't remember anything about the movie. But then suddenly the posters come to life and you see the trailer of that movie for 30 seconds. A 15 sec ad then comes and you see another trailer and then another 15 sec ad. The ads will pay for these trailers and secondly and most important you will get the attention of those people walking by that never intended to watch a movie. This is a no brainer!!!!!! I don't have the funds to pay for a patent so you investors, here's your chance.

Why is she doing this............?

Why not tell her it's over and it's time for her to "let it go". If she starts to get on your case, tell her there is nothing you can do to change the past and it's time to let it go. Suggest you two not contact each other for maybe, a year and then you can be friends but for now you want to stop all contact. If she continues to text or call don't answer.

Ball python with possible mouth rot???!!!!?

With mouth rot, you will notice a cheesy like substance in his mouth, swelling and sometimes bleeding gums. I would not be too worried about your snake having mouth rot. If you are going to go to heat lamp. a 75 watt red bulb should be fine if the cage set-up is in a cool 75 degree room. You will need 2 thermometers with probes that you place on the bedding surface, a hide and a hygrometer in your BP's cage. With no hide, a BP will find a way to hide and even use it's water bowl as hide. It may be best to switch over to a bedding designed to produce humidity for tropical snakes like fir bark or Rept-Bark. A bedding like this can be misted regularly and is easily replaced if it happens to become moldy over time. If you are going to continue to use the heat pad as the main heat source for your snake's cage, I would recommend plugging it into either thermostat or, a rheostat to help out with regulating the cage temperatures and the heat output of any heating device that you wish to use to heat your snake's cage. Just because a heating pad is rated for a certain tank size does not mean that it is going to give you perfect ball python temperatures. A pad connected to either a rheostat or a thermostat will prevent the pad from getting too hot and possibly burning your snake again or even cracking the bottom of his tank. Have your snake examined by a vet again when you can.

Skin insecurities? Please help?

I have moderate acne currently but many discoloration scars. It makes me hate myself. Not to be conceited but I have what superficial society would consider a great body: I'm slender tall and toned. But i feel worthless with my acne. I look around and every girl has flawless skin, it's not fair :( Do you know what its like, not being able to face your reflection? I feel like everyone's staring at me when i talk to them. I feel hideous. If I had perfect skin, i would be soooo confident :( i like who i am inside, i am a very kind and caring person. It sucks i don't share that with others. me.

Portal and team fortress 2 not working on mac?

So I just got steam and downloaded portal and team fortress 2. Initially portal was working fine, but about 15 minutes in i noticed some discoloration. It also makes weird static noises during the game play. For team fortress 2, there is some discoloration during the intro when it shows the Valve logo. It then goes to the loading screen but it does nothing which forces me to shut down the entire computer. Also, whenever i start steam, team fortress 2, and portal, it shows this message that says, "We're sorry, but the Safari browser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar." I have no idea what this means. I use an Intel Duel Core Macbook Pro 2009 with Mac OS X Version 10.6.7. I have 4GB of ram and 2.66Ghz. I would greatly appreciate the help.

On a scale of 1 to 10 bow bad is not having breakfast and lunch everyday?

I usually don't eat breakfast or lunch everyday, I wake up at 8:00 and eat dinner between 5:00 and 7:00

Dying fish or nap time?

that was wierd what ur fish have done but i belive u my fish have done wierd things to they might be hungry

Should I meet him or forget about him and go with my instincts?

I met a guy online, we have been talking for about a month and he lives half hour away from me. Just before I got talking to him, I had recently been hurt by this guy so my guard was up solid. On the first week chatting I agreed to meet up with him, but he wanted me to travel to him and stay the night. That just screamed bad idea and I was reluctant to go. He was already hinting sexual things before we even met and that was another no brainer. We stopped talking for a couple of days but then he text me saying he was sorry. I was bored and lonely because I was still getting over someone so I started chatting to him again. Over the past month we have argued on and off because no matter how many hints I drop about what I want, he still continues to talk about us having fun together... ON OUR FIRST MEETING! I've told him no time and time again and eventually he rang me up and said ok we don't have to do anything. He talks to loads of girls on his fb, he said he doesn't know how many people he slept with! He says he really likes me and that he's not just looking for one thing, but I've heard that before and I don't believe a word of it because actions speak louder than words. He's asked me to go see him tonight because he said that I have done nothing but mess with his head and that I need to make it up to him. I don't want to go but I'm scared he won't leave me alone. Should I just ignore him from now on?

Which laptop should I buy? - advanced computer knowledge please!?

both computers sound fine but what i would go with is quad core. theres nothing like a quad core on a pc to be honest. If you dont think you would need it think about this....few years down the road the quad core is still gonna be good enough while thing duo is gonna be ven further behind in the technology times

How do you get rid of discoloration on face?

i have acnee so around my nose is really red :( and mycheeks too... ugh how do you even out the skintone? also, i have dark spots areas on my face fromwhen i had acne,how do i get rid of it!! please help. also, i have clogged pores on my nose, whenever i use the blackhead strips theyget rid of blackheads(even though i dont have any) but my pores are still clogged... its onlyaround mynose and the cheek area around my nose! please help. how do you tighten pores too... the pores on my cheeks are kinda big.

Is my wrist sprained or fractured?

Was push starting my dads car when he braked by accident i fell onto the road landing on my wrist. this happened 3 days ago. i din't have much swelling or discoloration but it still hurts. i can sorta flex my wrist up and down and without much pain but if i move my wrist sideways (the side my thumbs on) it hurts heaps and i can barely move it. Any thoughts haven't been to a doctor yet as well.

I'm about to quit my job, how to say thanks and goodbye??? (10 points)?

I think you should write a letter of resignation. If two weeks notice isn't possible... Well... Tough cookies

I ejaculate and i cant stop!!!?

Ok me and my gf have been sexually active.. when i ***.. it comes out like BOOM!!! BOWW BOW BOW!!!! IT DONT STOP!!!!! OUR WHOLE BED WAS WET!!! AND MY NUTS HURT!! IDK WAT TO DO!!! NOW MY GF SCARED TO **** ME CUZ SHE SAID SHE DNT WANA BE SHOWERED BY MEXICAN THUNDA!! WAT DO I DO!!!

If I saw Barack Obama in public why do i feel the need to bow to him for some reason?

I don't know, i'd be so star struck i would honestly feel like breaking down to a knee instead of just shaking his hand.

How much could I get for my violin?

My violin is 8 years old...but is in mid-condition. Nothing is broken and it plays perfectly fine. I don't have the bow considering it broke...but I do have the case. I only played it for one year, but my sister played it for two years. I hope to sell it for around $350, but I'm not entirely sure yet. So if anyone has an idea about how much it's worth, just let me know.

How to deal with a BAD Supervisor.?Pls Advice..URGENT HELP NEEDED?

I am writing coz of desperation .Our supervisor has been picking on one of my fellow colleague almost everyday. But eversince this supervisor joined in and took charge of our dept. four months ago, our morales are extremely down. The whole team was down. He starts picking on one of my fellow colleague almost everyday.He would makes bad remarks(calling him names) in front of customers.HE was constantly scoulded in front of customers for small trival matters.Once, he claims he's doing this to him is for his own good.(But, he is a gd worker) Our supervisor has the habit of saying he's useless, numskull, idiot and no "brainer" Yes, he did made a mistake one time but our supervisor just like picking on him. Currently, our morales are extremely low and we felt bad abt our colleague cos apart from the past mistake,he did ok in his job. We have had brought up the matter to our manageress but apparently nothing has been done. Last month, he wrote a memo that whenever we sees him walks by, he expected to be greeted. Just last week, we were so busy attending to our customers and he waked passed us. later that day, all of us were summoned to his office. all four of us were scoulded and interrogated on why he wasnt being greetd when he walked by.He DEMANDED an apology from each one of us. One of my colleague tried to reason out with him and he was fired on the spot. Now only three of us left in our dept. We did checked with our manageress but she said reason given to her was my colleague was rude to him which was totally untrue. He lost his rice bowl (he is the only sole bread winner of his family) and now everyone of us feared the same will happen to us. Our supervsior has no respect for us,calling us "bunch of idiots". He is still picking on him on daily basis and we felt so HELPLESS. We are really lost and pls advice and help us what is the best thing to do without losing our rice bowls....Can anyone be kind enough to advise ..Thanks

What weight recurve bow should I buy?

Beginning archer and know zilch about archery. I need recommendations on what weight bow to buy, if anyone could help! :) I'm looking at the sage takedown recurve bow. I think I've gathered that bow weight depends on what size person is doing the shooting? I'm 5'10" and 180 pounds...

Do you have a manure smell in your town and where do you live?

I also just read that manure in the air kills respiratory issues in the air. I live in Grand Rapids Mi and i`m reading reports out of Toronto and NY. It is a no brainer that tis the season for the smell but wow, really bad this year.

Teaching my horse to bow?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Atheists this will make you believe?

I know alot of you atheists were let down by your faith because you were probably brought up as Christians but that's a Satanic polytheistc religion who belives in 3 gods, the Truth is there is only One God, and God is far from not having a son. I was raised a jew and then became a muslim, because I believe Jesus and Muhammad were the last 2 prophets, and how can you not believe in God when it is he who created you, you want evidence of God just look around you, all this can't appear out of nothing there has to be a creator, and God is high above, He can't have a son, and He is not like His creation, we must bow down to him in worship, dont let Satan fool you He wants you to join you in the hellfire, even Satan scares God, God will destroy Satan when judgement day comes but keeps him now to see who is truyl faihtful and wont fall for Satan, save yourselves from the Hellfire, say There is no god except Allaah and Muhammad is the last messenger of God.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Why did my mom called me stupid?

she's insecure about herself especially knowledge wise. don't feel bad about yourself. i know how it feels to be the youngest one in class. ask your friends or teachers about questions you're unsure of. don't feel dumb because you're not and never will be.if it still bothers you, confront her. ask her why she's treating you like this.

The WEIRDEST NBA mock draft!?

I don't see the T-Wolves taking Irving if the Cavs pass on him. They need Kanter because they would have Beasley, Love, and Kanter as a nice rotation between the SF, PF, and C spots. No way Jimmer goes in the top 5, the guy is going to be like Kyle Korver. A nice bench spot up shooter.

Difference between super duty and power stroke?

Easy one first - The Ranch King is just a trim option. One reason to get the super duty is you can maybe use a 3/4 ton SD instead of a 1 ton standard. The taxes on a commercial truck are based on it's GVW, so smaller is cheaper. The diesel engine is better suited to pull/haul then a gas engined equal sized truck, but they are more $$$ & heavier, so it's a value judgment as to which one you go with.

Is it improper shooting form if my left shoulder shrugs as i draw back the arrow?

when i pull back the arrow with my right hand and i extend my left arm (the arm i hold the bow with), my shoulder tends to shrug towards my chin. is that bad for bow and arrow shooting. i do shoot a wooden long bow if that helps

Right or left-brained?

Right and left handed people aren't necessarily right or left brained. There's a tendency- but its not absolute. Sometimes a left handed person will have the sides switched- so language is controlled primarily by the right half of the brain and nonverbal skills (like spatial reasoning and interpreting facial expressions) might be controlled by the left- the opposite of most right-handed people. But this is not always the case. You might actually be ambidexterousi which is why your grandmother's attempt to make you switch worked. Ambidexterous people are even harder to predict when it comes to hemisphere function. You'll see more learning disabilities and other neurological issues- statistically. But you're obviously having no problems with learning! Take a nuropsych or neurology class when you get a chance. It's fascinating.

Skin discoloration on my elbows?

My elbows are a lot darker than my actual skin color. Scrubbing them in the showers makes them a bit lighter, but they're still pretty dark. What do I do to make them match my skin color?

I have one tonsil inflated?

Recently I just found out tht 1 tonsil ( my right, your left) is inflated. There's no discoloration or infection. Its jus slightly red. I hvn't had many problems yet like swallowing, headaches, or anything else tht I read. But I currently have noinsurance to get checkd. What cud happen if I dn't and what would you think it cud be? Tonsillitis? Cancer? Lymphoma ?

How's this for a beginning of the first chapter?

I somewhat feel like you're telling rather than showing. You came straight out and said that he's half-demon. You don't necessarily have the clarify the race or sub-race of the narrator within the first couple of paragraphs. It could be more realistic for the matter to come up in a conversation or for another character to mention it. Just my opinion, really. I see nothing wrong regarding the the setting establishment, I'm assuming you'll offer a description on the inside or back cover of the novel if you plan to get it published. Overall, well done. I commend your characterization. Cheers.

Why are my fish dying?

I have a 20 gallon freshwater tank. I started with with 2 dalmatian mollies, 2 orange Mickey mollies, 2 orange platys, 3 silver skirt tetras, 4 fancy guppies, 1 albino Cory catfish, 2 female bettas, 1 white Molly, several mystery snails, 2 African dwarf frogs, 1 Pleco, and one other bottom feeder I don't know the name of. Of all I am left with the frogs, catfish, guppies, bettas, the unknown bottom feeder, white Molly, 1 orange Molly, and the tetras! (I traded the Pleco because of his size.) the other fish/snails died without cause in the last month. I would just find them either floating or at the bottom of the tank. Temp is between 72 and 80 degrees at all times. Ph is 6.5. Filter gets changed monthly. I even have an airstone. They get fed bloodworms, brine shrimp, and tropical crisp flakes, and a couple times here and there I'll throw in some algea wafers. Help!!! Can't seem to understand why my fish are dying and why the snails all died. And the fish are all passive. None show signs of bitten fins or signs of illness. The fish that died did all have discoloration when I found them. One more note. I have had this setup for approx. 8 months no problem.

I don't know what to do, please help?

There so many guys in this world you will always have the chance to get a new boyfriend, but the cruise ship is only once, I say you should take the job and see the world and live your life while you can, if you and that guy are truley meant for eachother you will be able to have a long distance relationship for the 6th months and reunite after your done the job. Just do what ever you think will make you happy and have lasting memories

What could be happening to my nails?

Yeah it's most likely because you wear so much nail polish. To fix this, just lay off the nail polish for a while until you notice your nails getting healthier. It's also good to use a 3 or 4-way buffer on your nails. It'll get rid of the ridges and extra color and it will also smooth them out. Also, don't use 100% pure acetone nail polish remover to remove your nail polish very often because that could cause damage also.

Skin-discoloration Question?

OK so I have some acne scars and a little bit of skin discoloration. Do you think I should wear a tinted moisturizer and concealer or wait until I'm older b/c I'm only 12. I don't want a full blown flawless face with foundation. Or should I use something else to get an evener skin tone? I'm only in middle school so my Mom doesn't like me wearing a bunch of makeup.

Tuning out my 1996 Protege LX?


I applied monistat to my penis and i see discoloration.?

I got a yeast infection from my wife (im assuming unless you can get yeast infection other ways and no i dont sleep with anybody else). I had gone to the doctor about this about 5 mos ago with the same symptoms and he prescribed oral medication and he said I could use monistat for the itch. This time around I decided just to use the monistat. I purchased monistat 3 without realizing it and i used it for 4 days. now i see discoloration in the tip of the penis and the foreskin. I am a little worried and before I go to the doctor, I wanted to know if any males have had similar problems. I haven't felt itching only when I examine my penis and pull skin back but even then, it doesn't itch that much. Im worried about the color coming back (guess im a little bit of a hypochondriac). Any answers or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated.

What causes bluing around the eyes, nose and mouth of a 7 year old?

my 7 yr old grandson was asking me if he had a bruise on his eyes by his nose. then i notice that this discoloration is under both eyes and runs down both sides of the nose and around the corners of his mouth. what could this be

What Type Of Rainbow Did Cleopatra Die On?

Hey guys, I am doing a school project on a Shakespearean character. In my English class, we are reading Julius Caesar, and in one quote, Brutus says, "Cleopatra so sweet she hath die on bows rains." I was wondering if she actually did die on a rainbow, and if so, what type of rainbow might that be? Thanks a lot! xoxo!

What does the Lamictal (lamotrigine) rash look like?

My psychiatrist put me on Lamictal and told me that the only serious side effect to look out for was the rare but serious rash. Anyone who has been prescribed Lamictal has been warned about the rash. What my psychiatrist didn't tell me was exactly what the rash looked like. It is obvious or subtle? Does it appear in scattered splotches or large discolored areas? Does it appear in pumps or just discoloration or both? I want to know so that I don't panic if I get a little acne on my neck or something.

I need a dress to match these shoes but can't find one anywhere! Help?

The dress doesn't always have to match the shoes. Get a solid colored dress. For example, a solid purpel dress, or just a regular black dress. Hope that helped.

I shampooed my hair, and I'm planning on dying it when it dries.?

So, I'm dyeing my hair with Revlon blonde hair dye, and i shampooed it like a half hour ago or so, and im planning on dying it a little while after it dries. I'm not worried about it drying out as much as im worried about it becoming discolored. My roots are a dark ash blonde, and i know what color they will turn out to be, but will shampooing it turn the outcome of the color a different color? i'm just afraid of discoloration..

Why aren't feminist groups suing police departments all across the US?

It's legal in texas. However local jurisdictions can decide whether they want to fine people for a public disturbance. No one can go to jail for it though or get a record.

Internet in an Apartment?

My boyfriend and I are looking to move into our first apartment together in in near future. Since this is our first apartment, we're going through the usual trying to figure everything out =]. Sadly, neither of us is very technical! In our area, most apartments in our price range will include utilities, but not internet. Obviously, we would really like to have internet. What is the easiest way to do this? We both have laptops. If we get a router and modem will they have to be attached to one of the laptops permanently? Sorry if this sounds like a no-brainer! Just looking for some advice! Thanks!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What is meant by "verbose politesse" in reference to British English?

You mean "verbose politeness"? It means you've got manners but whenever you say anything pertaining to it, you make it alot more wordy than it needs to be.

Is it still edible of the multivitamins has some discoloration after transferring it on other container?

That is probably just oxidation. If the vits were still within the expiration date, they will be ok unless you got something on them that is not an edible.

Creationist FAIL. I asked to give me evidence of against evolution. Can you do better?

Add to 9. and 10. the fact that chimps and other great apes are demonstrably conscious. "Next of Kin" by Roger Fouts being a prime example.

Is it okay to use travocort cream for discoloration under breasts?

i am a 21 year old female. i have this discoloration under my breasts. it's been more than a year since i first noticed this. first i thought it was because of body heat (i am on borderline of obesity). i kept the area clean and avoided wearing my bra when i was home. but it's still there and it's itchy and a bit smelly too. i did a little research just now and most of it says it's because of fungal infection. we do have fungus problem in the furniture of our apartment. we have to clean it every 2 weeks. so i thought it is possible that i am having a fungal infection. but i wanted to know if it is okay to use Travocort Cream in the area..

Christians, could it be that these atheists are just in denial and want to live their life in sin?

I believe that deep down inside EVERYONE realizes that Jesus Christ is the son of God which is why I dont buy into all of this HOGWASH that these atheists feed into their heads. And I will say it again, HOGWASH!!! Jesus has given us a choice and unfortuneatly these atheist feel that it is better to live a life of sin and go to hell than to accept the lord into their hearts and go to heaven regardless of the trials and tribulations they must face as a true christian. Atheists, why cant you just be honest with yourselves about the truth of Jesus? What are you soo afraid of? Hell is a very bad place where there will be no redemption of any kind and the great thing is that you do not have to go there. Lol!! This is a no brainer folks. I am certain that my prayers for some of you non believers have been answered though you just do not want to admit to this. Am I right? Praise Jesus!!!

Skin discoloration after sunburn peeling?

I had a really bad burn on my stomach and now its peeling. But when the dead skin gets peeled off, the skin underneath is lighter/pinker. Will this scarring go away/what can I do to help it besides aloe?

Christians: Why don't you accept that not everything in the Bible is necessarily the word of God?

I already accept that. I think of the Bible as the foundational library of Christianity. You wouldn't expect a library to have no books that ever contradict each other once. Moreover, the Bible is inspired in the same way a poem is inspired by a sunset. It records authentic encounters between humans and the divine, and as you say, it's also a product of the culture of the times.

What kind of baby doll is this?

I have a Cabbage Patch Kid baby doll that my grandma gave me, and I can't find it on the website. She is about 11 inches long, head to toe, with a closed mouth, a small stubby nose, very round purplish eyes, dimples, and a tuft of red curly hair on top of her head. She has a signature printed on her rear, Xavier Roberts or something, I can't read it. She came with a felt diaper, a one-piece outfit with a bow attached, a plastic pink bottle, a small carrier, a "birth certificate" and "adoption papers", and a fill-in-the-blanks baby book with things like 'my family tree' and similar things. She may have come with other things, I got her a few years ago and I haven't noticed her much until now. What is her "title" or whatever, like original or signature or whatever, and are they still in production? Thank you.

I accidental tripped down the stairs yesterday, ever since it has hurt to walk?

You would not know for sure without getting it checked. By the way you described it, sounds like either a bad jam or a minor fracture.

Discoloration and stretch marks on upper thighs?

ok, so, on my upper thighs, lower back, and my well, butt, my skin is really dark and i have some stretch marks. This is really embarrasing, what can I do about the discoloration? My mother thinks its because of my black skinny jeans. Is this true? Cause I am a jeans girl and black is my favorite. I was thinking of buying cocoa butter from palmers, will that help?

Does this white guy like me?

Alright, so I am a black girl. I'm not ghetto, but I also am not white washed. I just act like a normal teen aged girl. There's this white guy who goes to my school and he's always touching my hair. Also, he will just randomly poke me and hug me. He also compliments my hair when I change it up, and tell me I'm pretty. Is he just being nice or does he like me? I think he's pretty attractive. But, I didn't think white guys really like black girls like that. What do you guys think? this may seem like a no brainer to you guys, but I honestly can't tell. Interracial dating just isn't common at my school.

Was I just bit by a venomous snake? Please help.?

So I was outside cleaning up some old lumber and I found what I thought was a small rat snake- which usually aren't very aggressive. I picked it up to take it away from the house and right before I let it go it gave me a casual bite on my left index finger. I sat it down on the ground and it slithered away. I looked at my hand and i had four tiny bite marks -top and bottom teeth I guess- on my finger. Its about an hour later and its tingling a little but no swelling or discoloration. But I am very worried if it was a copperhead- I live in Maryland and we do have them in the area. From what I remember of the snake it had the banding but did not have the triangular head- it was a very streamlined head. I couldn't see the shape of the pupils because the snake had cataracts. I dont want to go to the hospital for no reason. If anyone has advise about the symptoms of a venomous bite- other than don't pick up snakes- I would really appreciate it.

How do you use the plastic cake bands?

I know this might be a no brainer question, but how do you assemble the cakes using the plastic cake bands?

What to wear with a burgundy beret/beanie hat?

You can wear burgundy with whites but you can make a baby pink that's close to white if you're not that girly or make a yellow, or orange beanie.

Crater-like acne scars?

i have some pretty bad acne. it ranges from regular pimples to big and painful cysts. recently, i had a cluster of 3 nasty cysts on my cheek. they've since gone, but now there are little pits in my skin where thy were. actual indentations in my skin, not just discoloration. how can i lessen the appearance of these? also, i have cysts on my forehead and chin right now. putting a glob of a 10% bp cream on at night shrinks them, will a 10% face wash do the same? my cheeks are a train wrek, with 3 cysts, a few pustules, and countless little bumps. i find that drinking A LOT of water before bed really helps, but i cant sleep well feeling full or needing to pee; is there somethi g i can do to replace this water drinking regimine?

Why do Lil wayne and Jay z SWEAR they're the best rappers alive!?

both weezy and jay have lyrical talent, you can't deny that, but NEITHER is the best at what they do! first of all, wayne wants to say he's the best rapper alive probably to make himself feel better, because he is not. he can spit, but his rap voice (or high voice) is retarded, and he always raps about alot of the same stuff- his money and girls. i like his song "6 foot 7 foot" and "drop the world" but personally i think if you wanna call yourself the best you should have more variety, you know, switch it up a bit so you can stay consistent in the game,especially with his "young money" crew. that whole crew is whack except for tyga, drake,nicki minaj cuz even if you dont prefer them they have talent and know how to spit. and Jay Z? Yeah, he's great and all, but he SWEARS he's some type of god and everyone should praise and bow to him because he's a lyrical genius. idk who it is that's gassin up Jay, but he is NO god and def. not the best rapper either! just because he's been in the game for a long time doesn't mean your the best out of all of em. for example, britney spears has been around for a while and had many hits,but that mean she is the best pop singer ever? HELLLLLL NAW. this is a valid opinon, and your opinions are too, but i think Eminem is the best out of them all. alot of ppl sleep on him just cause he's white, and that's not fair to him. i would say Nas too but im just a teen and nas if before my time so i dont really get into him. no rude comments on my opinions, kay? just make your own, i wanna hear em!

I have a bug bite that has what looks like a bruise around it?

A couple days ago i got a bug bite on the right side of my right knee, at first i thought it was a mosquito bite but now it has a bruise looking discoloration all around it. the bruise is almost one inch in diameter and is a red-purple color. should i be worried? i have never had a reaction like this to a mosquito bite, i know this for sure because i get them all the time. what could it be?

Non Stop Problems with Fancies?

So I had rescued a juvenile lionhead from my local pet store. Previously had two orandas bought 6 months prior to this purchase. I have a thirty gallon tank and take good care of my fish, Im careful not to over feed, and at least 20 perfect partial water changes every week. After buying the lionhead all hell broke lose. Thinking I bought a perfectly health fancy, boy was I wrong. Within a week after buying him I noticed red sores, the next week he had an achorworm. According to my fish care book I pulled out the parasite, did a salt dip and kept him quarantined for a week. A few days later, one of the orandas develops red open sores under his fantail, loss of scales and unusual behavior. I quarantined this fish (I could only still see just red open sores) and tried to treat with salt. It had gotten so bad and he was so restless and not acting himself (you could tell he had no more energy in him in trying to live) I made the decision to euthanise him. After this, my black oranda develops red sores and had FIVE anchorworms, and then the lionhead had two! I bought general cure for parasites in order to treat the whole tank. Did the treatment, 48 hours did a partial water change and did the treatment again. It didn't do anything, so again I had pulled out all the anchorworms. Now, the lionhead seems okay, major body discoloration though (not sure what causes this? suggestions) and NOW the oranda had major swelling in his cheeks and around the eyes (swelling white rings around the eyes, disappeared after two days of salt dips) but now after everything my oranda is developing white spots on the side of his cheeks, on the outside and what seems to be on the inside. I know white spots help with signs of sexing a fish, but it does not look like anything I have seen in pictures. They don't appear to be just small white little dots looks like a mass almost within his cheeks. He also now has a white spot on his wen. I really do care about my goldfish and I am not negligent by any means. And I haven't used too much chemicals considering I have only stuck to salt dips twice sometimes three times a day besides the general cure for parasites. Since buying this lionhead I have had difficulty with my fishs' health and its becoming very frustrating. Can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my oranda and how to help him? I know some may say its ich but I am not sure sure.

Can you help me find the name of this Christian worship song?

I love Christian worship music! I listen to air1 and klove. Did you hear it on a radio station? You could try going to the website for that station and search for lyrics and see what songs match up. I already searched the two stations I mentioned and came up with nothing. sorry :/

Do you get the feeling that today's society would rather live under communist rule?

I would rather starve than live under another labour government, and as a commited pacifist i would take up arms and slaughter anyone who tried to impose communism. I don't mind going hungry i did it before but i'm not going to wait in line for bread and still end up hungry after waiting for 8 hours.


Try tinted moisturizer for evening out your skin tone, concealer for those dark circles and spots and then finish with a setting powder. Also try sleeping for longer, getting your 8 glasses of water a day. Try putting chilled cucumber slices on your eyes for 20 minutes before you apply makeup, this should help to reduce bags :) xxx

How shall I style my hair? NEED ANSWERS NOW!?

Im a girl! I have dirty blonde, brownish hair. It's just above my shoulders and curly. I don't wanna straighten it. I have basic hair stuff like clips, hair grips, bows, hair ties, Alice bands and flower clip aswell. It can't be stuff like French plaits because they take to long. HELPP!

How much does a good quality, beginner's cello cost?

I have been searching through Yahoo Answers to find how much a decent, beginner's cello cost, but I have found price ranges from $200-$300,000. I was wondering how much a used decent quality cello would cost along with a bow and how much a brand new one would cost. And lessons? I really want to learn how to play the cello, but I would like to know how much private lessons would cost. I already play the trombone through school so I already understand music dynamics I just need guidance to playing the cello properly and well. Thank you!

How do i get nail polish off a ceramic tile floor?

This morning a bottle of nail polish smashed on the floor while i was getting ready for work. I was able to clean most of the nail polish off of the ceramic tile floor, but there are still some splotches and discoloration. Any suggestions on how to get this off? Cheapest way possible :)

Are there any healing oils or other natural substances that i can use to reduce discoloration on the face?

The best is a good sunscreen because it contains the right amount of oil for your skin and oil only could burn if it heats up with the sun.

Buying car at end of lease?

Well I tell ya if you think $8400 is a good deal for you then I say do it. It's still cheaper than financing a new car or going into another lease and still not owning anything. I would do a shorter term like 36 months instead of the 60 months. I would do that just to get it paid off asap and then drive it well over 100K miles instead of selling it.

How fast does swelling occur for testicular cancer?

my friends left testicle is really swollen but there is no pain or discoloration. If the swelling occurred within a few hours could it still be testicular cancer?

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M vs NVIDIA GeForce GT540M?

and why? to anyone else it may be a no brainer. but not to me. anyways just want your insight on it thanks!


I know you guys are like uh... that's a no brainer, go and get it from blackberry app world. But the problem is I have Page Plus as my phone service and I pay my bill first. It is unlimited talk and text. My blackberry was also pre-owned. But it still has apps on it like bing, and a tiger woods game, the dark knight etc... Everytime I go to app world it freezes, anything I can do?

Need legal help. Or renters rights help?

It sounds like your only recourse would be to file an action in court and the amount would determine if it was worthwhile pursuing, the stained carpet is not normal wear and tear and most rental/lease agreements specify that pet deposits are non-refundable. If you signed it it is a legal contract whether state landlord/tenant laws specify it or not. Again depending on the amount if you can get any of it back you should accept it and move on but if you think or an attorney thinks you can prevail in court then a suit may be your only answer.}{

Portal and team fortress 2 not working on mac?

So I just got steam and downloaded portal and team fortress 2. Initially portal was working fine, but about 15 minutes in i noticed some discoloration. It also makes weird static noises during the game play. For team fortress 2, there is some discoloration during the intro when it shows the Valve logo. It then goes to the loading screen but it does nothing which forces me to shut down the entire computer. Also, whenever i start steam, team fortress 2, and portal, it shows this message that says, "We're sorry, but the Safari browser version you are currently using does not support the community toolbar." I have no idea what this means. I use an Intel Macbook Pro 2009 with Mac OS X Version 10.6.7. I would greatly appreciate the help.

Has anybody seen these signs of Islam?

Like maybe these pictures are old to the muslims, etc. But has anybody seen these. This is an actual tree in Germany I believe, they had to cover it with metal gates or something like that so you know the public won't be able to see or whatnot. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Oh and it says in english 'There is no God but Allah (God)' meaning like one God only, etc. Here is another one if you want to look at a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a It's a guy in prayer called 'Ruku' in Arabic meaning bowing in English, yeah. And the tree is facing the holy Kaaba which is Muslims face towards to when praying.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Do guys ever completely forget their ex?

The possession comment is just plain ignorant and immature and I would not listen to a guy who says that. Ex's are in the past. I think most guys prefer to forget their ex's unless the ex broke up with them. I completely disregard my ex's as to me they don't exist. Sure there are memories but the meaning of them is pretty much gone. It was just a part of one's life in the past, no more than that. But one cannot completely erase memories, but with time they come less and less to mind. The only time they might come to mind is if there is something about the present companion who reminds one of an ex. Sometimes there can be surprising similarities, but that doesn't make one want to fondly remember the ex. Also, one can learn from every relationship for better or worse so for that reason forgetting completely is not really practical. Of course if an ex remains a friend then there will be more memories retained.

Want to make a deal Republicans, block the debt ceiling and I will vote for you?

This is your chance to show the American people that you are real conservatives still. I know Wall Street wants that money dumped into the system and you will bow to their command. Republicans will put "conditions" on it but will not be a conservative at the end of the day. And one of those conditions better not be raising the retirement age or you will not get the youth vote again like in 2008.

How to punish a 7 year old for misbehaving at school?

Get a belt and let loose for about ten minutes and i bet he wont do another bad thing again. Also make sure its leather. It will leave marks so be sure to hit where the shirt and pants can cover. Your welcome.

What do you think is wrong with my parents dog?

I think my parents dog is having strokes. He will suddenly convulsively tilt his head to one side and the eye on that side will partially close. His body will also bend that way like a bow. He also has balance issues and starts walking sideways. Then he gets up again and is *fine* 5 seconds later. And I mean totally fine, complete with running and jumping and acting completely normal. This has been going on for a few years with maybe one episode a year, but in the last few days it has been happening 10-20 times a day. The vet did give them Diazepam 2mg and told them to give them half a tablet to stop the 'seizures' it's not really doing anything and I don't think that is the problem. My parents won't follow up or get him actually checked out. Any one have any ideas?

How do I fix my phones screen?

My touch screen phone(lg thrive) has a grey vertical line on the far right of the screen. it just happened to be there when I looked at it. I dipped it a few times but not from high up. Is there anyway to fix that the touch screen still works fine but I'd like to remove the discoloration on the screen. Btw the phone is only a week and 1 day old

Can self-diagnosis deter doctor from helping me?

When I suggested to my doctor that I have PCOS (Poly-Cystic Ovary Syndrome), explaining to her my symptoms; which are hallmarks of this condition. She concluded that the symptoms i'm experiencing dosen't sound like PCOS. I also stated that my Mom has PCOS and still she did not believe me. I'm having acute hair loss( lost about 3/4ths of my hair); bodily hair growth (legs,arms groin,navel,auxillary,etc);heavy menses; skin discoloration, etc. So any advice on how to proceed with this doctor or if I should change doc is well appreciated.

What do you think about my pokemon game idea?

Sounds like my idea of a Pokemon game like Colosseum and XD, except you get to do everything from the handheld games. It won't happen though. Pokemon was meant for handheld consoles and wouldn't work out that great for big consoles.

A poem about good grief. (BG's challenge) C/C?

Had trouble getting into my mail box, Hap, so had to do some shenanigans to finally get to it. Saw this on my challenge AND saw all those TDs. What the heck? They be picking on you, my friend. I really liked this write, although that 'good night' part was not fitting for it. Fix that and you'll have a winner. How ya been, anyway? God bless...

Is being bow legged bad?

I'm not really completely bow legged, only slightly and I've never noticed until my mom pointed it out to me. She didn't say it in indication to it being a bad think, but I think it looks a little odd. Is there any bad side affects to being bow legged and is there a reason it is caused. I'm pretty sure I've always had it and I'm not unhealthy or anything.

Is the world Court an attempted world wide tyrannical Coup? Should the Worlds Elite Wealthy dictate everything?

Yes, the world's wealthy elite should absolutely dictate everything, but unfortunately, that's impossible.

What dress is sexier? (guys please)?

this is for a party, what dress looks sexier? here they are - (in white) or,50.000&Rf-300=1944&sh=0&pge=2&pgesize=20&sort=-1&clr=Cream (in black) thanks.

Where to buy cheap moccasins?

Like the Ugg ones, (no studs or patterns or whatever, maybe just a little bow) but no more than $30 please.

Betta becoming lethargic?

He could have swim bladder or a number of parasites. To me, he does sound old. It may be his time. And a ten gallon is too big for a Betta. Maximum get a 5 gallon. The 2.5 sounds good as long as it is not a bowl XD.

Is a Six Flags Flash-Pass worth it on June 2 (Thursday)?

I'm planning on taking my cousins who are visiting to Six Flags tomorrow. Just wondering if the Flash Pass is a good idea or not since it's quite pricey. During peak summer it'd be a no brainer, but it's still really early. Tomorrow is a weekday and most schools aren't out yet (colleges are). Do you think it'll be worth the extra $$? Thanks.

I have a discoloration on my penis that I noticed two days ago. It's not painful. ?

It definitely was not always there. I was scared of herpes. If u have herpes is it usually connected with some type of pain

ITunes is messing up I don't know what is going on?

Ok so I had these songs: I want candy (by bow wow wow), it's raining men( by weather girls), u spin me right round like a record(by dead or alive).. So I go to iTunes to download a song called the first time (by the script) and it starts downloading those songs instead of the song I want and when I lisen to them they r not the songs and I don't want them I don't know why they on there I just want the song by the script.. Why do I do pls help thanks

Rate my lyrics from 1-10 please?!?

I like! I like! There meaningful & deep. If added to an awesome beat u got a good hip hop jam! :-)

Christians: why did god place the tree...?

in the garden of Eden but prohibited Adam and Eve to eat from it? Wasn't it a no-brainer that they would end up eating?

Whats wrong with my Body?

from what you said I think your vitiligo is a little"d better cure it in time.if you want to cure it ,feel free to send me an am glad to help you.

Do you wish you were born in the future or the past?

I wish i was born in the past, more like the medievel/ancient times, like the time where there were warriors not modern soldiers, the most advanced weaponry was swords, bows and arrows, living a simple, clean life. I don't know why but i would choose to live in old times anyday over future technology times. riding horses instead of cars, where wars were fought with bravery using soldiers and tactics not just throwing an atom bomb. what about you?

IPad/Android Apps in Apps Store?

Could someone explain how and what criteria is needed for an app to make it onto the market for these Operating System? I am interested in purchasing a Tablet, and looking at the Android Market, I am curious how secure their apps? Apple seems to be a no brainer, but what is the standard? Any security checks? Hardware checks? Any info would be super, thanx =)

What happens next for Terrell Pryor?

Word is he said no thanks to Saskatchewan. Is it a no-brainer that some NFL team will want him as QB as-is at some point?

Is there any way to repair water damage to alligator boots?

I bought a pair of water damaged alligator skin boots at a flea market. I'm trying to avoid spending a lot of money at a shoe repair shop. Is there any way to home remedy the alligator skin to take out the discoloration, or do i just need to let the other shoe get damaged as well to match the one with the water damage?

Top 50 NBA players of all time.?

James, Nash, Duncan, Kobe, Kidd, Nowitzki, and Allen are already top 50. Garnett will probably be. Durant, Rose, and Wade definitly could be on their but they still have a lot of time left in their careers

Every time I get a sore throat, the skin on my chin and neck itches. Why?

I was looking for ways to relieve the itching when I found out that it isn't really normal. My neck has always itched intolerably only when I have a sore throat since I was a child. I have always had asthma, but on no other occasion has my neck EVER itched. There is never any rash or discoloration, only redness from scratching all the time. My skin isn't dry and I've never itched anywhere else. Does anyone else have this problem? The only thing I can do to relieve the itch is to tie a warm towel around my neck. What could be the cause of my skin itching on the outside from a sore throat deep inside my body?

MEN do certain kind of vagina's bother you?

Ok, seriously, do certain kinds of vagina bother you like I have a large vaginal lip and clitoris and the lip has slight discoloration but would that bother you eating me out or during sex? Be honest please? What kind of vagina's bother you?

What should I do about abuse?

i was in a very similar situation my ex send me to the hospital.. i have asthma so i don't play around with my breathing or lungs.. i remember last time he "beat" almost killed me.. he was punching me fist closed in my face and stomach ((didn't know i was 6week pregnant)) and he was choking me against the wall and i fell unconscious ..i woke up in the hospital all bruised and hurt and the doctor told me i lost the baby.. i didn't even know about... and that's when i realized that i was SO stupid ... i didn't leave him since the first time he hit me!! i should of cuz i got worst... just go to police and file a report on him... you have to choose file charged against him and he wont get near you.. or let him file charges for you and maybe you wont be able to see your son ever again.... make your decision

How do I get rid of this smell?

I take adder-all for ADHD which has a side effect of smelly body odor. Anyway I live in a college apartment (its kind of like a dorm but the size of your average apartment with bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom). Anyway both my room mates left mid semester one because of graduation and the other because he was only in this apartment temporarily to begin with. So I started sleeping on the couch in the living room. For whatever reason I can't sleep to good on beds and often times stay up all night with insomnia but I sleep like a baby on the couch even if I have a lot of energy. So I started sleeping on the couch, no brainer. The thing is the couch doesn't have a protective covering from sweat and other bodily fluids do like the beds (which are like softer versions of hospital beds). So the couch is starting to smell like well... me. Before I move out I wanna clean it because it will be embarrassing. How do I do this?

Parents: when you need your kids to be occupied?

I found that if I NEED my 14 month old son to be occupied and distracted, I found that giving him a snack and putting on a 1/2 hour kids' show really helps. I know it's not ideal or recommended, but it gives me enough time to get things done with out him following me around and "undoing" what I just did.

Is it okay to use HQ 4% (Hydroquinone) while on Laser Hair Removal?

I've recently started to get laser hair removal for my bikini area, the laser treatments are usually 4-6 weeks apart. It is okay for me to use HQ 4% throughout this time in order to lighten the discoloration of the area? Should i stop for a certain amount of time before the laser treatments?

Would it bother you a lot if you had discoloration on your underarms? Would you get it corrected?

I have white spots on my underarms and my dermatologist told me of a procedure that can get rid of them, but it's very costly. Do you think I should go forward with it, or no because it's the underarms?

Name of movie where young girl lives in apartment and her nieghbor is a creepy fat guy with cats?

i remember seeing parts when i was younger i believe she had short hair (maybe with a bow in it) & disliked the fat guy. i can't find the name of it anywhere!!! i think it's a older movie but i can be wrong...

How to baby proof my house for my new kitten?

I know this is a no brainer question. I know that i need fix all my hanging wires, i have an area under my sink with plastic bags should i get them off the floor and put them in a box or something? any other advice or tips would help. i live inn a small studio apartment, so there really isnt much he can get into, but i just want to make sure i get to everything. thanx!

How many puff stitches in this hat?

I'm trying to make this hat And so i don't mess up any more i want to know how many stitches are supposed to be on each row. I'm trying to finish it today so please help me.

I Need A Soccer Training Routine??? HELP?

i am going to join the school team next year for soccer but i suck really bad so i will practice every day this summer. Basically i need to work on everything from kicking to passing to speed and skills. i will practice from 4-8 every day in the summer but what i need is a routine of what to do EXACTLY in does 4 hours i can start with warming up and stretching thats a no brainer but what exercises do i do after that? do i practice a little on everything or maybe a week i do more sprinting for speed or something please give me a VERY DETAILED plan to follow that will make me BEAST at soccer by next September

Why is the political left touting Obama approving the Bin Laden operation a "gutsy move" what's gutsy about it?

•Obama was in on it from the beginning. It was his decision to use a Navy SEAL team to attack the Bin Laden compound. His advisers wanted to carpet bomb it using B-52 bombers. Obama over-ruled them and decided to use Navy SEALS. Carpet bombing would have resulted in total destruction of all evidence in the compound, and massive collateral damage. There also likely would be no proof of death of Osama Bin Laden. The SEAL team found a wealth of evidence linked to Al- Qaida. This was President Obama's personal decision. He put his presidency on the line for it. He would have taken the blame if it failed.

What Should i wear Tonight Opinions wanted?

well i suggest you u can put your hair down and with some curls on the bottom those are cute only if u want ..your make up should be natural and pretty with your smoky eyes you should wear a nice tank top or blouse and skinny jeans with some flats and for accessories you can wear one of those pretty long necklace and some hoop earrings.

What cream is best for skin discoloration ?

I have skin discoloration under my arms and on my knees and elbows and ankles, what cream can I use to treat it?

How do i attach the preacher curl attachment to a bowflex extreme 2 se?

it use to be my grandpa's bow flex and when he passed away 2 years ago i got it, now that i have room i finally set it up by looking up instruction online, but i cant find any instructions to set up the preacher curl attachment that he bought. when i got the bow flex we couldn't find any of the documents

PLEASE HELP. Tenant laws need help?

So what are you asking? Yes you did the right thing taking photos. I hope you also took some of the place after you cleaned it before moving out not just the ones after they came in the first time. In this case see what they intend to give you back on your security deposit if it is not substantial then the next step is small claims court for all monies owed.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Major Discoloration on Chin (Picture Included)?

Probably postinflammatory hyperpigmentation. It clears on its own, but can take months. The more you do to it, the longer it may last as you promote more inflammation. UVA blocking sunscreens used several times per day can help keep the daylight exposure from promoting it. There may be bleaching agents available from your dermatologist.

A thanks to the community?

If the crank is torn up at all, you'll need to get it ground and use undersize bearings. You should be able to swap a crank without removing the engine (its not recommended, though). Alot more stuff will need to come out though, so I don't envy you that job.

Why do atheists always get on the high horse when they refer to circular logic?

I always hear atheists tell christians that we are ignorant, irrational, and use circular logic to back up our faith. Well, to be honest, I dont know what circular logic is and dont care for it is only faith that will please our lord Jesus Christ. It says in the bible that it is impossible to please God without faith. God never mentioned that we should think logically like scientists did he? Of course not. Jesus is the son of God for it has been written in the bible. The bible is the word of God for this has been repeatedly stated throughout the bible. Kind of a no brainer huh? Kinda make you think doesn't it?

Would it be horrible to go back in and ask for a refund? (Acrylic nails)?

My nails are already coming off, there are bubbles in the acrylic, there's discoloration on the tips and near the cuticle and it's only been two days! I payed thirty dollars for this crap manicure!

Should a photo ID be required for voting in the US?

Personally, I think it is a no-brainer. Yesterday, the New York Times was knocking the GOP for pushing photo ID requirement. Says it will discourage the young, poor and old from voting. I say gobbledygook - most of the young have them anyway (need them for bars and cars), poor and older people can get an ID from their state for free. Should slow down the voter fraud. I think that it is required in Canada. Thoughts?

Is there a cure for discoloration of the whites of the eyes?

If they are yellow that indicates liver problems and NOT necessarily liver failure. It needs to be evaluated by a doctor.

Is a small rough patch of skin always Actinic Keratosis?

AK is a premalignant condition usually seen in middle aged to elderly individuals who sit in the sun. I would be surprised if you've been affected at only 19, but anything is possible. However, its far more likely this is just a patch of dermatitis. Try some simple emollient cream or a cream containing a tiny bit of steroid (very small amount - don't apply strong steroids to your face) - your pharmacist can help. If it doesn't settle in a couple of days, see your doctor.

Basketball:Heat will 7peat u mad?

Starting next year! Our first year as a team we made the Freaking Finals! We will just get better every year and LBJ and Wade will work even better together and LBJ won't underperform in the 4th quarter anymore and learn to be clutch. Heat will win next season and the other seasons that comes after. Bow down to the Heat while u still have a chance! Because we will dominate the NBA the next 7 years and LBJ will be the GOAT and Wade will be his superstar sidekick U mad?

Every time i go to my aunts house i have strange dreams, and every bow and then i have them at home?

Okay, well when my grandparents come down for a visit they usually come pick me up and we go to my great aunts house, i usually sleep on the couch. Every time i spend the night there i have strange dreams and they are always about the same things. My dreams usually contain me getting possessed by demons. this one dream i was asleep on the couch and my friend was on the other couch. a demon walked in the front door it was like nothing i had ever seen in my life he walked over to where i was and layed down on top of me and then god walked in but he was holding a beer ? he walked to where i was laying and threw the demon off of me and layed over me in the same position the demon was. When im home i get these strange feelings late at night, the trees in my yard where used to hang african americans, and i sometimes get the feeling as if someone is watching me. it really scares me. and at night when im sleeping the strange dreams continue. could you give me explanationion for my dreams?

My ex asking me to go to her house?

She currently has a bf in which she is on and off with for over a year now. Now she is asking me to go to her house to help her study. before we even started dating we would make out at her house. Now, being a single guy, i naturally dont care if she cheats with me, so for me its a no brainer. but why would she even consider inviting me? theres so many other people that could help her "study"...

Trying archery as a new sport?

I'm wanting to try archery as a new sport, i ordered a long bow on ebay and i was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to improve accuracy? or what to use as targets?

My cat is losing weight, but eats fine. Why?

He not only loses .2 ounces DAILY, but he won't drink water. He doesn't have any discoloration of his gums. We took him to the veterinarian for some tests, and he has absolutely NOTHING wrong with him. There's no kidney infection (which would explain the loss of thirst), and he doesn't have worms. The veterinarian says the other two cats we have were "bullying" him, so to speak, which is completely normal among cats. He said that because of the "bullying" the cat is merely stressed out and needs some time to recuperate since he's in a weak state at the moment. We now keep him in a room separate from the other two cats. He has his own litter box, food, water, and a feline diffuser which releases pheromones into the air which calm him down. I'm not sure if he's still losing weight because we just started this routine of him staying by himself, or if there is a bigger problem. Any ideas?

Does this tattoo make scene?!?

i want to get an ankle bracelet with a cross on it and inside the cross i want it to say my own god, because i think of god in my own way, and i want a bow on the bracelet that says protected since i got a cross and god tattooed on me forever. does this make scene

How do I tell if my broccoli has gone bad?

I have some broccoli that I bought I believe about a week ago. It doesn't have any spots or discoloration, but its not firm like it was when I bought it. I am using it in chicken alfredo and if its bad I think that I will just make it without but I don't want to do that unless I am sure that its bad.

How do you cure a red ear slider with discoloration spots on its shell?

ive seen the spots on my turtle not take notice to them till they started spreading how do you cure this

Why is America the only country that treats its schools and prisons like an economic issue?

There have been dozens of social programs to deal with these issues. I agree that it's a social issue. These people have backwards cultures.

What is this pain in my abdomen?

It's on the right side, and isn't really a pain in my abdomen, per se. It's on both my lower right abdomen, near my belly button, and on my lower back, in about the same position. I feel it whenever something brushes against my skin, so it's more like a sunburn or a nasty bruise, except there's no skin discoloration. I've also been feeling nauseous lately, but it's been off and on. My mother thinks it might be appendicitis, and we're waiting to see if it progresses, but I just wanted a second opinion. I haven't changed my diet in the past couple of months. I've been a bit more stationary recently because of the summer, but my exercise habits haven't changed otherwise. I haven't been hit in the area. I don't have a fever, though recently I had a very mucous-y diarrhea that was most likely brought on by me drinking a lot of fluids on one particular day, though I'm not for certain. The pain is constant, but it doesn't hurt when I press, only when I touch the skin. If you can offer any insight into what it might be, I would be very grateful.

Would it be awkward to wear bows to school?

i love making bows like the cheer ones but i feel like if i wear them to school i'd be considered a prissy for being so obssesed with cheer. i like them because i do. i don't wear them just so i can be cheery.

What crimes are deserving of eternal torture?

depends on your basis, cuz Buddha dont give a **** whether you believe on him or not, while the god of the old testament wants you to sacrifice for him, while the new testament punishes you for not accepting the spirit. While the Quran hates people who dont wear proper clothing. So it depends on the basis of the religion.

How to recover from numbness in my big toe?

Sounds to me like a nerve issue probably caused by you working for long periods without proper footwear. Rest over the weekend and see if it gets better. If it does, I'd just keep an eye on it and only go to the doctor if it acts up again.

GOOD stretches for allstar flyers?

I am an allstar cheerleader, and i need wanna improve my flexability more. i have a bow n arrow & free stretch, but i wanna make it even better, and i have a good scorpian, but it could be better, so if you know of any good stretches, ecspicaly for scorps, i would love to know them! thanks

Isn't it a no brainer for the Cleveland Cavaliers to keep the number 1 and 4 picks?

I agree with the other guy, they should trade the # 4 pick and anderson varejao for josh smith. But they should draft Kyrie Irving. Picture it, Kyrie Irving is like the next Chris Paul in the upcoming years and josh smith is one of the most athletic players in the nba, and he can really run the fast break beautifully for someone like him. Plus the cavs have Bryon Scott who loves to run fast breaks so when you get kyrie Irving and josh smith, look at cleveland as one of the top teams in fastbreak points and a playoff team.

The best herbalist encyclopedia to use with a vaporizer?

the guy who invented the vapir has written some on vaporizing herbs and there's some online lists of vapored herbs, at some of the other manufacturers websites, but it's nowhere near as complete as you will want. Most herbal encyclopedia type references haven't caught up with vaporizing yet.

My Nail Polish Remover Dries Out My Nails and Skin, How Can I Prevent This?

I know this may seem like a no-brainer, (Duh, it dries out your nails, that's the point!!) but it also dries out my skin. I'm very high maintenance with my nails so I use it pretty often. The kind I use claims to not dry out nails but it always does. Is there any way I can prevent this or when they are dried out, return them to their original state?

How come the political left is more articulate than those on the right?

They aren't - it's more likely that you agree with their statements more often that the political right. If you can step back and look at both - I believe you will see that both of them are quite accomplished at marketing their opinions while denigrating the others.

I'm so confused, who is my child's father?

Take a DNA test as soon as the baby is born. Be honest with the guys you had sex with. That's not fair for one to think he is the father & he might not be.

Was this the right thing to do?

My kind of boyfriend commented on a girls profile picture on facebook...and you could take what he said in two ways I guess. He commented on her photo and said "bow chicka wow wow" and I know that most often means something sexual so on an impulse since he wasn't online I sent him a message and kind of was trying to be light hearted about it but since we're together I wanted to ask him if he knew what that meant so my message went something like this "Hey, saw your comment on ___photo. Just curious, do you even know what "bow chicka wow wow" means?" I do a lot of things impulsively without thinking, and I'm worried I could have offended him for some reason because he has gotten mad at me lately for taking things too seriously. Was that the right thing to do?

Soccer Training Plan? HELP!!?

i am going to join the school team next year for soccer but i suck really bad so i will practice every day this summer. Basically i need to work on everything from kicking to passing to speed and skills. i will practice from 4-8 every day in the summer but what i need is a routine of what to do EXACTLY in does 4 hours i can start with warming up and stretching thats a no brainer but what exercises do i do after that? do i practice a little on everything or maybe a week i do more sprinting for speed or something please give me a VERY DETAILED plan to follow that will make me BEAST at soccer by next September

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Ok I am seriously worried Please help with BALL PYTHON MOUTH PROBLEM!!!!!!! please need Alot of advice!!!!?

so any help from experienced people how know or have actually been around or had this sort of issue...=( im soo freaked out need help. so my snake got a stomach burn from getting under carpet onto glass and heat pad...this was last yr ..took him to vet now is healed just has trouble shedding. so this time he shed terrible...pieces were left over and his body is making him go through another shed and it hasnt even been a month i think... but i saw him laying with his jaw awkward and dislocated! so i picked him up and messed with it and he straitened it out...then today his lower teeth/gum row was overlapped on his top! so i though mouth rot! his cage is soo clean but i just fed him 2 live mice less than a week ago maybe he got hurt. so i youtubed and found what to look for so i opened his mouth up and no purple, discoloration, mucus, bubbles, ....but his mouth is White! PALE which is also a it mouth rot in the EARLY stages...what could have caused it not MR and just pale from stress and shedding? does the mouth go pale like the eyes turn blue and skin turns milky??? any help would be great! thanks

Which causes more damage higher or lower heat 4 straightner (read details)?

No split ends involved. It'll make your hair softer. But make sure you use a heat protectant spray. like Tresemme. And put it at a lower temp and go over it about 3 times.

Is it time? a poem, perhaps prose, or just a chain of thought, C/C?

You spelled "Basket weavers", "mangy mutt" and "berzerk" wrong... Other than that, you paint a very vivid hallucination.

How much does this banjo cost?

My grandmother gave me an old banjo she found in some ancient family storage, its in really nice condition, the only noticeable wear is a slight discoloration of the... head cover? I know its really old, probably from the 1920's, and the only identification it has on it is "MB75" on the back of the peghead. Any extra information anyone might be able to give me about this banjo would be helpful, cus I honestly have just no clue where it came from or anything.

I have a bump on my penis?

There is a bump on my penis about 1/2 the way under the head of my penis. It dosent hurt at all but its just there. Theres no discoloration or coloration but its weird. Iv had this bump for a bout 3 weeks and it hasent grown or shrank at all. i am a virgin so i know its not a std

Was I just bit by a venomous snake? Please help.?

So I was outside cleaning up some old lumber and I found what I thought was a small rat snake- which usually aren't very aggressive. I picked it up to take it away from the house and right before I let it go it gave me a casual bite on my left index finger. I sat it down on the ground and it slithered away. I looked at my hand and i had four tiny bite marks -top and bottom teeth I guess on my finger. Its about an hour later and its tingling a little but no swelling or discoloration. But I am very worried if it was a copperhead- I live in Maryland and we do have them in the area. From what I remember of the snake it had the banding but did not have the triangular head- it was a very streamlined head. I couldn't see the shape of the pupils because the snake had cataracts. I dont want to go to the hospital for no reason. If anyone has advise about the symptoms of a venomous bite- other than don't pick up snakes- I would really appreciate it.

Will my toe go back to its original color?

i wore some shoes one size too small and now my big toes are black under the nail from bruising. is it just a temporary discoloration?

Red, bloody looking patch on tattoo after tattoo has been healed for 2 weeks?

I got a tattoo about a month and a half ago, it has healed perfectly except for one area that turned red when it should be blue. this started out looking like discoloration but now looks bloody and feels bumpy when touched. tattoo has been cared for as suggested by my artist and has not been treat irregularly to this date. any idea as to what this could be? if and when it will heal? and will it affect the outcome of the tat? thanks in advance :>

Where to buy precious metals from trustworthy international online dealers?

I had very good and fair dealings with Kitco. Other investors I know swear that Apmex has the lowest dealer mark-ups. I would trust both of these companies. Stay away from outfits that heavily advertise on TV, like Goldline, but there are many others, where the dealer mark-up is as much as 50% above spot price.

Half of my big toenail is loose. What should I do?

You are taking a chance of it getting infected and that will be costly and painful at the best. The easiest and most painless way is to take it to a podiatrist. That's going to cost you. But whatever you do try to avoid getting it ingrown or your going to have to go to a podiatrist to avoid infection. Sorry, but hope you have insurance!

Good vintage clothing stores close to New Hampshire, USA?

hey try this one it sounds like your kinda thing a href="" rel="nofollow"

Please help!! Need advice on unemployment comp.?

I filed a claim to receive unemployment benefits they mailed all the forms then turns out they denied me.So I have to appeal. Let me explain I voluntarily left my employment due to relocation with my husband to a different county in order to keep his employment secure ( he works for the state). We are two counties away from my former employer which I had informed them it was a possibility I couldn't maintain employment due to the travel It's 180miles round trip at gas costing 3.85 per gallon. Thats well over $600.00 a month and I only work pt. In Pa I thought spouse following spouse was a no brainer. Don't get me wrong sitting home SUCKS!!! I worked as a professional my entire career, I've been sending out resumes before we moved, a few interviews later still unemployed because my salary even at pt has allowed younger grad nurses to come in. I"m sick with worry. Is the appeal worth it? How long does it take? My bills are mounting and I just had to cash in some of my IRA jyst to get over the hump. Any advice I would appreciate!!! Thx.

Blackberry question PLEASE look and answer.?

I have a blackberry tour, I dropped it in the ocean last week and it doesn't work (no brainer) My mom has an old phone that isnt a blackberry can she still trade numbers with it or does it have to be the same kind of phone? (We do not want to start another 2 yr contract we want an upgrade soon, so does that mean you have to have the same kind of phonee?)

HPV question please answer?

Hi , heres a question that might be a no brainer for some of you but i dont really know so im gonna ask my best friend got HPV and recently told me, heres the question can it be transmitted through sharing drinks and food cause we always did that like sharing a soda, aka can it be passed through saliva on a drink or food.

Why does he do this? Please answer?

heis only looking at you becaus he thinks you are looking at him. He looks to make sure your not looking at him

I injured my arm but dont know exactly what happened?

I was playing basketball and a kid drove through the lane. He knocked me back and as I was falling I put my arms down to lessen the fall. My right hand planted and immediately a shock when up my arm. Initially I had thought that I fractured my forearm it hurt so bad. later that night I realized that the pain was centered around my elbow. The pain was originating from the muscles around my elbow, so it was my upper forearm both sides of my elbow and the base of my bicep closest to my elbow. Since the injury I have severe, intense, sharp pain whenever I rotate my wrist, bend my arm, hold something with weight in my hand or squeeze. there is swelling around my elbow but there is very little discoloration. I think that I might have either hyper-extended my elbow to where my muscles are sore or that I may have torn something around my elbow. Any advice of what may have happened is appreciated. Thank you.

I'm going to my aunts civil partnership in a couple of weeks...?

Ooh, perfect! The dress is divine. I'm sure that you will look gorgeous and it looks perfect for the theme. Have fun!

Blues v Waratahs/ Who's going to win?

It's to hard to call to be honest. Both teams are very good but I think the Blues will just slip away with the win on this one.

Where can i buy an xbox 360 console (ONLY) cheap?

You could try searching through these xbox's on amazon....( you find one

Bow and arrow with 3 strings? which string to use?

im new to archery and i bought a bow today. The bow has 3 strings . my dad showed me which string to use and it shoots well. what are the other 2 strings for?the bow uses a spinning wheel for the shot. i think its a composite

How to get rid of the discoloration soon?

So I've got some- actually lotsa discoloration over my body like my knees and elbows, stomach,armpit, and under my butt and on my hips . I totally hate it. I am a black girl with a caramel skin tone then I have dark chocolate discoloration on the various parts of my body. Now imagine that, wouldn't it look odd to u. It is for me actually its very embarrassing especially when its summer time:( . Help ! maybe you guys could suggest me some natural remedies that would soon reduce the look of the discoloration. Oh and remedies for strecth marks too i'd really appreciate it. :)

Why are republicans against abortion and also against welfare?

First of all I am not a liberal so don't start with that...I am an independent and I agree with points from both sides. I am just curious how someone can be against abortion and welfare. Without abortion, women who can't afford kids will have them which means they will have to go on welfare for assitance. Seems like a no brainer to me. More abortion = less kids we have to pay for.

Going in a parade anything to be aware of? Where to get Decorations?

I really have nothing to say but i have a question for you do you need to sign up to be in the parade or do we just go and ride? sorry i am being to dumb and asking instead of answering! but good luck.

Laser hair removal in Canada?

There are scores of places you can get it done in Canada. Laser hair removal can cause skin discoloration for some people, independent of where you get it done..

Is it now a "no brainer" that Obama is the real leader and the Paul Ryan fiasco is not what America wants?

2010 is over and now America is seeing what huge mistake they made reversing course and sweeping the Democrats back into total power in 2012? Like N.Y. 26th District?

A&D ointment for a scar?

I popped a pimple the other day and knew that it was going to scar, which i was trying to avoid. I had some A&D ointment left over from a recent tattoo and applied it to the popped pimple. Amazingly, it healed the very next day. If i keep applying the A&D ointment do you think it will fade the small scar that will develop? By the look of it, this pimple is healing the best out of any I've ever popped but there is discoloration in the area. Any thoughts?

A&D ointment for a scar?

I popped a pimple the other day and knew that it was going to scar, which i was trying to avoid. I had some A&D ointment left over from a recent tattoo and applied it to the popped pimple. Amazingly, it healed the very next day. If i keep applying the A&D ointment do you think it will fade the small scar that will develop? By the look of it, this pimple is healing the best out of any I've ever popped but there is discoloration in the area. Any thoughts?

What is the point voting conservative if they raise the debt ceiling?

Wall Street wants that money dumped into the system just like they wanted QE1 and QE2. Read my lips, Republicans will raise the debt ceiling. They would make it look like oh we put conditions on it but you will still bow to your Wall Street masters.

Contact jesse ventura for his help!! PLEASE NEED ASSISTANCE?

I need to contact mr ventura regarding terriorism against me for over a year. i need his help finding out who and why....its so controlling my e-mails dont half the time get to remote veiwing sites to sign up for their services!! Wonder how they stay in business if my e-mails are reaching them and they all chose to ignore request signing up for their services.... I want to discuss the details w/him. Trust me he wont be disappointed when he hears THIS!!!!!!!And probably once hears all the facts can tell me exactly who it is and how to follow thru on this to get them out of my life....well I can promise one way or another they will be out, its a no brainer!

I reckon a Liverpool-Arsenal hybrid > current Barcelona team - agreed ?

I dunno. Barcelona is so cohesive in their play that the only team that can beat them consistently is Real Madrid under JM.

Can you rate my Scrafty moveset? Pokemon White?

I like your strategy, plus the way you explained it out makes sense. Have you given your scrafty that Power Bracelet thing when training it, cause it not only makes it slow, but it raises its attack stat too. Things i'm sure you want. But yeah, nice strategy. You sound so much like my kid bro XD He always likes playing the strategy game on me whenever we battle

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What is the most socially conservative country in Europe?

Malta. 98% Catholic, and it just, last month, by vote, made divorce legal ( The Vatican is not happy). The only other state in Europe where divorce is not legal, is Vatican City.

I have a bruise from about a month ago and the swelling is not gone yet..?

I woke up one morning to a giant bruise directly above my ankle. This is not uncommon for me, I tend to hit things regularly and I bruise easily.. but the discoloration of the bruise is gone, yet there is still a rather large hard spot where the bruise was. It feels like a lump or a knot in the muscle. Does anyone know what the actual cause of this may be? Should I seek my doctor for further help?

Is Queen Elizabeth in danger of being thrown out of the Royal Palaces?

No way who told you that they're mad. The whole country will have to go against her for that. She will rein till she dies.

How do I get rid of my black eye?

I got robbed and beaten last sunday. The swelling in my face has gone down, but I still have two black eyes. The doctor only prescribed me motrin 800 mg. How do I get rid of the discoloration?

Borderlands 2/Borderworlds?

Either to create hype about the game, to keep the fact that the game will be a complete pile of crap a secret, or both.

Where can I buy something like this?

I absolutely adore the Tiffany's sterling silver bow pendant, but it is too expensive. It's $125 and my birthday is coming up but my parents are buying me a laptop for high school. My sister can't afford anything like that and I don't want to waste so much money. Is there anything very very similar to it for less money? It doesn't even have to be sterling silver, just sort of a droopy bow. Thanks (:

Since gas prices will eventually go down, why not go "short" and make money selling? Sounds like a no brainer?

It might be except for one problem. In the mean time the price might actually go up and you might not be able to meet your margin call. A very nice way to get really cleaned out.

Am I being fair in thinking I should be first with my wife also?

There has to be a healthy balance. Yes, your spouse should be placed at the top of the list of priorities and who you go to when you need someone. A marriage should be a tight team partnership where the couple works together and is always there for each other like no other. BUT, they also have to be able to have other friends and interests outside of the marriage. They should be encouraged to do this! She was not out of line by visiting with other people at the game. Some other night she might not have been as busy, but this is the night you thought about it because you'd just read that email (which sounds pretty cool by the way, I might see if the hubby wants to sign up for that). It does seem like she should take a little more time to make you feel loved and important to her. But she needs to be free to talk to other people.

What do ''units'' mean in high school education requirments?

I'm thinking it's the same thing as a credit. So half of a unit would be one semester. And 1 unit would be a year long class.

Steps to perfect skin??? I really want a PERFECT complexion! XD?

Use facial cleansers 4 oiliness and black head once those are gone use aloe vera gel to help make skin soft and use vaseline for dark circles and redness.

My friend's boyfriend has these weird brown spots on his sackbulb skin?

If he wasn't wiping correctly, she could smell that stank. She should just ask and she should not touch anything until it has been tested.

Which of these themes should be the theme for my new log cabin fort (options listed)?

Artemis, Artemis, Artemis. Or at least that is what my daughter would say. She did a report on her in both the 8th grade and then again in the 9th grade.

I think my leopard gecko's leg is broken, help?!?

I've had him for 3 years. Today I just realized how swollen his left rear leg is. It's alot more swollen then the other, and he drags it when he walks. I need help, please. Is it broken? There isn't any discoloration.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Character?

Hi, I'm planning on making a character on WoW. The reason I'm asking you guys for some help is this: I want to make a character on WoW resembling Corvus. Don't know who Corvus is? Corvus was the protagonist in the games Heretic and Heretic 2. He was an elf, he had a supply of numerous weapons. Most of his weapons were magic, but he also had a pole arm and a bow usable with either storm or phoenix arrow. My question is: He shall be a blood elf, quite obviously because night elfs are purple, but should he be a hunter or a mage? It would be great if people who have played Heretic or Heretic 2 could help, thanks!

How do I get rid of skin discoloration and dark spots on my butt?

Cocoa butter lotion helps w dark 4 the white stretch marks I don't think much will help...when they r new they r dark and once they turn white I believe they r permanent.

My babies are getting bigger?

My great gran was a dutch woman, her first baby was 8 lbs. and she had seven more children after that, all progressively got bigger until her last, weighing in at a whopping 16 lbs!! Thank God she was a strong big Dutch woman otherwise she would've died, they didn't have c-sec's back then, she said she did not tear...and yes, the 16 lb. kid is HUGE as an adult, not fat, just HUGE...I pray to God I never have a child that large. I am on my 3rd my babies range from 8 1/2 to 10 lbs. not too bad though for me to handle. Good luck.

Cork footbet sandals over time?

Do cork footbed sandals like Birkenstock age well? Do they absorb sweat/water when exposed to it and does that in turn contribute to discoloration/darkening of the footbed?

Any good advice on med school?

Well, I would love to be a Radiologist and since this is my last year in high school, I will be going to a community college for 2 years before transferring because it seems like a no brainer because I save time and lots of money and get the whole college thing down. Will going to community college hurt my chances of med school? And does it matter what I major in before I get into med school? Lets say a bachelors in business? and If I maintain a A-B in college what are my chances of getting into med school? Thanks

Why is my tongue sore on the sides :/?

stay away from salt or sodium witch in 90% of all food. causes tongue to swell up and be irritated, along with your body retain water. just cut back chips, popcorn ETC ect. be safe.

FanFiction story Inuyasha Help?

you mean to say that you're writing that tripe? You have a major flaw - Kagome appeared much later in the InuYasha timeline.

My cousins are hot, and I don't have a girlfriend (please read details)?

At least you broke up your text, but I still couldn't make it past the first couple para's. I don't even need to say anything, you know what's right and wrong. Just go somewhere else and find a girl. Good luck, it's pretty easy...hotties are everywhere these days.

I have a discoloration on my penis help read more?

i have a discolor on my penis ive had it for like 5 years. i was wounder if there is a website i can sumbit a pic and see if somone can tell me what it is.. im not going to a doctor and it doesnt hurt nor can u feel anything diferent when u touch that and other parts on my penis

Friday, July 15, 2011

Would it be horrible to go back in and ask for a refund? (Acrylic nails)?

My nails are already coming off, there are bubbles in the acrylic, there's discoloration on the tips and it's only been two days!

How to remove corrosion of Aluminum from stainless steel fridge?

About a day ago, somebody took a sheet of aluminum foil and pasted it to stainless steel fridge using ONLY water (don't ask why). Now, there is a discoloration on the refrigerator that will not come off using different soaps/detergents etc.. I did some reading and it looks like the aluminum galvanized to the fridge...I think. So how could I get this off?

Just watched top players from 80s?

I just caught a special on the top 9 players from thr 80s... One from each position and I got a few debates and need some other opinions. I agree with most but at pitcher.. They picked Jack Morris as the best pitcher from the 80s... why not Nolan Ryan? Or even the rocket roger clemens.. Hell.. Even doc gooden I think was more dominant. They had Gary Carter at catcher.. What about Carlton Fisk? Was he in his prime in the 70s cuz I thought he was an 80s catcher. They had Dale Murphy in center field.. But I gotta think Eric Davis or even bonds would be better. but not sure if davis was an 80s guy. They had Dwight Evens in right field.. Again.. Strawberry or even barry bonds. The hardest pick was short stop... They picked Cal Ripken.. You can't argue that but him over Ozzie? Third base was Mike Schimdt.. He's prob best choice but boggs and george brett are good too. Ricky was in left thats a no brainer.. first base was don mattingly.. But what about Eddie Murray or will clark.. or even mark mcquire.. He put in a good 5 years in the 80s. 2nd base another no brainer with ryan Sandberg. Anybody got suggestions or debates on that list? Dale Murphy is the one I disagree with the most. Lets hear your opinions

Is there any point in progressing to management in a job I hate?

yeah definitely go for it, I mean if they stressed you out so much the least you could do is get the experience as a manager. I mean from here on out when you apply to a new location you can list Management on your resume and be expected to get paid in kind. Just go through the motions as you keep looking for another HAPPIER job. Good luck!!!!!

Should i tell my ex that i am pregnant with his child?

this seems like a no-brainer im sure but let me further explain. The reason we broke up was a pretty serious one. He has some habits that aren't so great but definitely aren't so great for children. Upon us (before i even knew i was pregnant obviously) having a hypothetical question about children he said he wouldn't stop these habits (smoking included) and i simply stated that i wouldn't have my child around that. From that he basically threatened my life pretty much saying he would kill me (even explained how) if i tried to "leave" with his child! this was even worse because i never said i would leave just that i wouldn't have my child around unhealthy things. Needless to say this was the moment that i broke up with him! Of course he tried to apologize later and claim it was in the heat of the moment (he's an intense person) however that's just not something i take lightly and could not forgive him. and here i am a month later preggers.............THOUGHTS?!?!?!

Lump Inside My Groin?

There has been a small pea sized lump, maybe a little bigger around the side of groin. It's been there for about a week. it's just under the skin and I can actually grab hold of it / pinch it so it's not attached to anything. No discoloration and no pain unless i grab onto it through my skin. Once i let go, the pain is very sharp and hurts for about 20 seconds. Im 15, so i dont go to a gyno or anything. Should i go see a doctor or tell my parent? Could this be something serious? Please help.

What do you think of a guy that lies about his age?

Yeah it is annoying and makes them un-dateable. Hmm trying to think of why a guy would lie. I think in some cases he really does think of himself as young at heart, I mean a guy who is say 35 actually is pretty much mentally the same as 25 in most respects. Most 35-40yo guys would be entirely happy to go out out with women who are about 21-30 . Although most women who are say 21 or 22 want to go out with a guy who is also about the same age.

What kind of business should I have?

I once read that a support system is very important when starting a business and it appears you have that! I actually do advise that you try to start an online business they are have very cheap startup cost and little overhead. As a webmaster and web designer I know that all you really have to pay for is web hosting (unless you choose free hosting), a domain name (I suggest top level, not a subdomain like blogspot), and advertising if you choose. Just make sure your website is welcoming to potential shoppers (i.e. not to "loud" or dull). If you need someone to design a website for you I suggest.... well me!

Perhaps a fools journey intruding, will you comment at least?

I know you have been attacked her and I sympathize. But never let it keep you from telling stories to those who like to hear them. This was lovely. Best wishes to you and yours.

One proof that most christians do not even read the bible, as oppose to muslim?

How nice for you to be so smart. Christians take the part of the Bible that says "don't add onto this" very literally, which is why we reject Mohamed and his teachings as false.

HELP! Gum is brown between my two back teeth!?

Now before you tell me to brush me teeth, I already know that I should. I'm not perfect and with a busy schedule during the day it's hard to remember to brush my teeth at night. I always brush my teeth during the day, and occasionally at night (maybe 3-4 times a week at night). The problem is that I've notice a slight brown discoloration of my gums in between my two back left teeth. I would like to tell myself that its my wisdom teeth, since I haven't gotten them pulled yet, but it just might be a cavity. What do you think it is and can I wait a while to go to the dentist? Does this make me a disgusting person lol

Isn't it a shame how last night?

This is the behavior that the left has adopted. If they can't get people to conform to their ideals. They will eventually use violence.

Can clorox disinfecting wipes cause skin discoloration on my finger tips?

i have noticed that the skin around my fingernails on all ten fingers has lost its pigment or something. its turning into a pale pink, and a friend suggested that it might be a cleaner that i am using. the only thing that I am cleaning with thats different is clorox disinfecting wipes. I havent been washing my hands after using it either..but the lable says its bleach free. any help?

To make a thinner chicken salad?

I do think the lemon would curdle the mayonnaise. In my effort to help you answer your question, it seems like a lot of people are looking to reproduce this recipe. Of all the copy cat Arby's recipes I have found, and those ex Arby employees, it seems that it is a mixture of good quality mayonnaise and sour cream, but the one you may be looking for was mixed with fat free yogurt. I guess I should try one of these!

Horse Section: Big decision, what would you do?

I'm caught in a bit of a pickle here.....and I'm not quite sure what to uncle trains, shows and breeds performance horses; primarily reiners and cowhorses. He has just moved to new huge, gorgeous 100 acre facility; two large covered arenas, a covered cutting pen, several round pens and outdoor cutting pens, and another outdoor for working your cow down the fence, plus acres of trails and pasture and apartments for the assistants and several 20 stall breezeway barns, its got everything. Anyhow, I'm headed for college next year and he offered me a job as his head assistant with free room and board for myself and my gelding. Plus I absolutely love working within the family business. The only catch is the college I would end up going to is not a preference and doesn't have nearly the program that the other school does (the college I want to go to is several hours away and has a 10x better program). It seems like a no brainer I know, and I'm leaning towards working for uncle but I would much rather go to the other college.......what would you do?